Bankstown West Public School welcomes safe and courteous road users. The roads become very busy at peak times – just before and after school times. We ask our parents and local citizens to be especially careful to safeguard the well-being of our children.
Please observe the local speed limits – 40 Km/hr in the mornings and afternoons and 25 km/hr at or near the crossing.
The access points occur on William Street at the top of the school and Dutton Street at the bottom. A safety crossing is situated at the bottom school gate on Dutton Street. This crossing has a School Crossing Supervisor who is responsible for maintaining a safe environment around the school crossing by controlling the movement of cars and pedestrians.
State-wide statistics show that young people are at high risk of injury in and around schools at peak times. Please support our school by driving watchfully and obeying the warning and regulatory signs in our zone.
The school has a number of driveways which are for staff and utility vehicles only. They must be kept clear at all times to allow free movement of traffic. Neighbour's driveways must also be kept clear at all times.
The NO STOPPING signs indicate that a motor vehicle is not permitted to stop at all – not even to pick up or set down a passenger.
Visibility is a key factor in pedestrian safety. The practice of double parking and parking in areas contrary to signage can cause unsafe situations by reducing visibility.
To maximise passenger safety, always ensure that children enter and exit vehicles from the passenger side of the vehicle, which prevents them from stepping out into traffic flow. While travelling in vehicles, seat belts and/or restraints must be fastened at all times.
By supporting each other and engaging in practices that support pedestrian safety, together we can make our roads a safer place.