Ready, Set, Go-School Readiness Program Policy
Children benefit from a school readiness program that promotes socialisation, motor co-ordination, concentration, language skills and independence in a safe and nurturing environment.
Children can be eligible for the Ready, Set, Go Program (Terms 3 and 4) if they turn 4 on or before 31 July the following year and the child’s parents/carers have enrolled them to start at Bankstown West Public School. Enrolment is offered in the following order:
1. Children living within the school's enrolment area.
2. Children living outside the school's enrolment area who have siblings already attending the school.
3. Children from outside the school's enrolment area who will attend an interview session.
The enrolment process must be finalised before enrolment into Ready, Set, Go begins with up to date contact numbers and emergency numbers detailed on the forms. The child must not be enrolled in any other school, including independent schools.
Any parent with specific custody issues must produce court or family law documentation on enrolment.
Children with specific medical needs must have an up to date health care plan and provide the Admin Office with the medication and details of dosage.
Documentation including immunisation records and the birth certificate must be supplied.
When the number of applications exceeds availability, parents can apply for waiting list placement. The school's placement panel will consider and prioritise these applications.
The school’s placement panel’s decisions will be final and will be based on a needs come basis.
There is an understanding that this Program may not suit every child and adjustments may need to happen for individual children.
Conditions of Enrolment:
Children must attend at least 80% of the sessions or produce a medical certificate as explanation of a child’s absence. Frequent absences will result in a child’s attendance being withdrawn.
The Ready, Set, Go Program will be held on Fridays of school term and starts at 9am. Children must be brought by a parent/carer to the session by 9:05am. Children must be picked at 10:45am.
Food and drink may be consumed after the program ie from 10:45am. During the program there will be no access to food or drink.
All changes of arrangements for drop off and pick up by an adult are to be notified through the Admin office.
Parents/carers are to sign their child in and out of each session.
Parents/carers are asked to pay a $50 fee for each term. Refunds can not be accepted for non-attendance due to illness.
In the event of the program being cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, such as teacher absence, the parents/carers will be notified through the Class Dojo App.
Please ensure your child is enrolled through the Office so they can access Ready, Set, Go! next term. There will be a limited number of places so please enrol your child for school so you can be contacted when the time comes to secure enrolment in Ready, Set, Go!